Driver Uninstaller (DDU) / Cleaner made for Display Drivers.(NVIDIA/AMD)

What it does is remove the display/GPU driver from device manager and remove the current and 
all precedent driver from the Windows Driver store along with removing services from NVIDIA/AMD.

The current effect after you use this tool will be similar to if Windows was in a "Fresh Install" state.

This tool acts much like "Driver Sweeper", and has all the extra mentioned above.

If you have any problems installing an older driver or a newer one, give it a try as there are some reports that it fixs 
those problems.


-The tool can be used in Normal mode but for absolute stability when using DDU, Safe Mode is 
always the best.

- We would like to gather feedback from everyone, tell us if it was success or not. Make a 
backup or a system restore (but it should normally be pretty safe).

-If you have or had a driver problem, and this tool helped you with some issues you were or are
currently experiencing, please share your result.

Keep in mind that NVIDIA , AMD or Microsoft cannot be held responsible for any damages of any sort 
to you or your computer and in no way affiliates of DDU or it's creators.

Created By Wagnard.

Co-owner: Shady7557

Tester : Dellon132

Logos : juanchacin

Thanks to anyone who put their system at risk. (special thanks to Dellon132)