Driver Uninstaller (DDU) / Cleaner made for Display Drivers.(NVIDIA/AMD) What it does is removing the Display driver from device manager and removing the current and all precedent driver from the Windows Driver store along with removing services from NVIDIA/AMD. The current effect after you use this tool will be similar as if Windows was in a "Fresh Install" state. This tool act similar to what Driver sweeper do + the extra mentioned above. If you have problem installing older driver or newer one, give it a try as there are some reports that it fix those problems. RECOMMENDED USAGE : - I personally recommend that you disconnect the internet while doing this because sometimes after the uninstall, windows update may be re-installing a driver on its own without authorization... -The tool can be used in Normal mode but for absolute stability when using DDU, Safemode is always the best. - We would like to gather feedback from you guys. Tell us if it was success or not. Make a backup or a system restore (but it should normally be pretty safe). -If you have or had a driver problem, and this tool helped you with some issues your are currently experiencing, please share your result. Keep in mind that NVIDIA/AMD did not have anything to do with this, We do not work at or for NVIDIA/AMD and they should not be held responsible for any damage or errors caused to your system. ------------------------------- Created By Wagnard. Co-owner: Shady7557 Tester : Dellon132 Logos : juanchacin Thanks to anyone who put their system at risk (special thanks to Dellon132)